Making a will is important to make sure that our loved ones are protected when we are gone. Even if you don’t have children, you’ll probably want to be sure that your belongings and things you can leave behind are given to the people who will care about them. I will help you not leave anything out of your will by giving you a list of five things you should include in your will.

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  1. You’ll want to include a declaration that states you are of a legal age, a sound mind, not unduly influenced and revoke all previous wills you have written.
  2. Include the name of your executor or trustee. This will make sure that your will is legally binding.
  3. If you have children who are under 18 years of age, you’ll need to appoint a guardian and include their name on your will. This states who will look after your children when you die. Obviously this is a big decision so take some time to think about it properly.

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  1. Provide the details of your heirs/ beneficiaries and assets. This will state who will inherit your money, property and belongings. This is especially important to do if you are not married or you have step-children you would like to leave things to.
  2. State specific requests either to organisations or people who are not named in the part about heirs and assets. You should also put your wishes for your funeral and whether or not you would like to be cremated.

To make sure that your will is legally binding and includes everything it needs to, it would be good to look for a professional will writing service Cheltenham such as Bees and Co.

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