For some of us a drought can be a major problem. Whilst it is true that we get our fair share of rain in this Island country of ours it is still subject to lengthy periods of hot and precipitation-less periods. What then can be done about this? The simplest answer is to install an irrigation system.

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The first people to catch on to the system of irrigation was the Indus Valley Civilisation. They tapped the nearby river Indus and by using clay and carved stone channels they diverted the river into the city to provide drinking water, bathing water and even a rudimentary toilet system. The other most successful early Civilisation to do this was the Egyptians. Seeing that the Nile would flood they dug channels and ditches that turned the parched soil into viable growing fields and grew wheat and vegetables thus fuelling a great Empire and influence.

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In modern times Water Irrigation Systems can be supplied by They seek out water systems and courses and make sure those prize petunias don’t get wilty and drab. They also provide water supply sources for swimming pools and water features in your garden so that this life giving source is always available. This involves the use of pumps and storage for water that can be fitted easier into the home. It also looks at the use of sprinklers and rainguns to fool the plants into thinking it comes from above which is more natural to them.

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