Sadly it is a fact of modern working life that we are sometimes faced with the issue of constructive dismissal. With any luck you won’t come across this problem and you’ll be able to leave a job and start a job quite happily throughout your working life. However should the need arise it’s good to know that there is help in your corner, would be experts dealing with a Constructive Dismissal Claim.

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There are a number of ways that you may be able to claim for constructive dismissal. Respect and unfair dismissal cross into it. First and foremost your employer must have a good reason for dismissing you. The main driving force behind constructive dismissal is where you feel that your employer has made your situation completely intolerable.

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These include simply not paying you or suddenly reducing your role with no reason given whatsoever. There may be other reasons such as if you are suddenly asked to work nights or work hours that are completely incompatible with your own  work-life balance. This is especially true if it is known by the employer of your situation and has already been agreed.

Other issues include feeling like you are being treated badly by other employees and your line manager is not doing anything about it. Other examples are instances where your employer is plainly obvious that they do not wish to have you in employment anymore and that you should seek employment elsewhere but do not have a valid reason to dismiss you.

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