The use of Botox in beauty therapy is well established. However, it’s not such a modern practice as you might think. It owes its discovery to a German man named Justinus Kerner in 1820. He was a romantic poet and an army medical officer. He discovered  that a certain bactrim causes a freezing of the skin cells and muscles. He concluded that it might have some benefit to the human condition. We then have to jump to the turn of the century and Karl Ferdrich Mayer discovers how to extract the Botox element so that it can be used in the food canning industry as a preservative. It was then discovered that it could be used to numb the eye before surgery and that it could be used to help patients with knee and joint pain.

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As Cheltenham Botox based specialist will tell you it was the work of Richard Clark, a North American Plastic surgeon from Sacramento, who first pioneered the idea using Botox in beauty treatments.  This was in 1989. Clark knew that botox was used to reduce facial ticks and he theorised that it could be used to lessen wrinkles rather than invasive surgery as he had been doing.

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In the late eighties early nineties, Jean and Alistair Carruthers also began studies into what benefits Botox could provide. They saw that patients who used the substance for the treatment of twitching eyelids did not develop wrinkles and lines in the face. After thorough testing it was approved as a medical treatment.

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