
Keeping the safe sex message out there

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The safe sex message is driven into teenagers during their sex education lessons, but it seems that after university age it takes a different turn and the message tends not to be repeated as often. It is important that safe sex is promoted to people of all ages, expecially as more and more older people are taking Bexley Home STI kits, like the ones from and presenting with symptoms of STIs. Doctors are also reportedly treating more and more older people for these conditions. So, it would appear the message is working in our younger generation but maybe not in the older ones.

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This could be down to the fact that we are more open about sex, sexuality and the importance of safe sex now than we have ever been, as well as the fact that testing has become a lot easier, especially with the home testing kits mentioned above. There is also some thought that more older people are entering into new relationships as divorce is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. Whatever the reasons it is important that we keep the safe sex message out there to everyone who is, or thinking of having sexually relationships with a partner – new or old.

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