
What purpose does ear wax serve?

Earwax is often thought about when we have too much of a build-up in the ear canal. It is important that earwax is removed by a professional Ear wax removal Glastonbury company to help ensure that no damage is done to your eardrum or ear canal.

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The medical term for earwax is cerumen, and it is incredibly important to maintaining the health of our ears and our hearing function. It acts as a protective barrier that works like a security gate to our ear canal. It helps to prevent particles such as dust and dirt from entering the ear and causing issues with our delicate eardrum. The was acts as a shield that can help to prevent infections from occurring and helps to stop damage occurring to the eardrum and ear canal, which could result in hearing issues.

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In order to help remove particles from the ear canal, the wax continually migrates from the ear canal’s deep, inner regions towards the opening. This movement is aided by the movement of the jaw when we talk and chew. It helps to move any debris that has become trapped in the wax to the surface of the ear, where it can then be removed safely.

As well as helping to remove debris from the ear, cerumen is also antibacterial and antifungal in its makeup. This allows it to act as another defence mechanism against harmful bacteria that could otherwise cause infections and damage to the ear.

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