
Why should care workers attend medication administration courses

Attendance at medication training can be of a particularly beneficial importance to people that work in care roles.  The provision of care and medical assistance is the most tightly regulated  type of work in the country. Therefore it is extremely important for somebody who is in a position of medication provision that they are adequately trained and qualified to do this. A Medication administration course, like that from tidal, should be a priority for any one in the industry.

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The primary driver for attending a  medication administration  course is to ensure that compliance and the subsequent regulations set down to control medicines is adhered to.  The regulations associated with medicines are usually extremely strict and if they are not complied with the results could be life-threatening or worse for the patient.

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In all cases the safety of the patient has to be the paramount concern for the law and for the person responsible for the administration of the medicine.  Therefore it is essential that the caregiver understands what the medication being administered can do  and the best way to manage its implementation.

To be sure that the right dose and type of medication is given the only way that can be absolutely correct is by making sure all staff are totally aware of its form and function. This requires complete understanding and collaboration between departments. Completing a risk assessment is also a key ingredient for success.

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